Sunday 24 August 2014

We are back


Terry hewlett ARPS
Andy Cubin MBE FSIFGP (hon)

  • Tell me and I forget
  • Teach me and I may remember
  • Involve me and I learn

After a long absence we are back with the photographyworkshops blog page. A great deal has happened since we left with the introduction of NEW workshops and a slight rebranding. Photographyworkshops is still there however we introduced the PWacademy banner earlier in the year with our new logo.

The new workshops added to our ever popular catalogue are the PIN UP, FILM NOIR and POSING titles that take you on a journey of discovery producing strong creative images.

The Pin Up programme draws heavily from the 1940's where Pin ups were all the rage for servicemen and advertising, with a style that is clearly identifiable, different and fun. 

We have just presented a workshop where 8 delegates were introduced to the lighting, props, posing and character of Pin Up with a humorous element combined with the Photoshop post instruction for the final image.

As with all our workshops we have a great deal of fun, injecting as much humour into the sessions as is humanly possible, making the whole experience exciting and enjoyable. We are developing numerous sets to keep the catalogue of images going with a number of gifted models. 

Almost any daily prop can be used to create what is after all a piece of art and when humour is added you step into another dimension with almost endless scenarios.

Keep a close eye on our website for new dates and opportunities. 

Why use flash on a wedding shoot?

With the next wedding photography workshop almost upon us, 19/20th September, here are a few thoughts on using flash during a wedding shoot. It is common to see wedding photographers using on camera flash during the day, however how many do you see using stand alone flash to add that distinctive individuality to the couples wedding images. Many photographers consider the use of flash and abomination and will only work with available light, this is Ok until that light either fails you or is just totally unusable. 

Flash has its place, not everyone is a fan, used creatively it can add that extra dimension and there are opportunities during the day when it can be used without compromising the day's programme. Shortly after the Groom's arrival you can engineer an element of time to shoot him with his ushers and best man holding the rings, all it needs is a little forward planning and help from an assistant, something you should always have at a wedding, even if they are just hod carriers.

The other opportunities that present themselves can be directly after the ceremony and when you take the couple for the creative/signature shots at the reception venue.

It goes without saying that you will need to have tight control over your lighting, especially when you are combining it with the available light. These are all techniques that are taught in detail on our wedding workshops, gifting you with the confidence to go out and be creative.

Visual Guides
Terry has produce two visual guides that provide pictorial assistance for when the red mist descends. They may great visual aids for the planning and shooting elements of the day. Terry has been teaching wedding photography for many years and is more than happy to share his knowledge. 

To download the guides please go to the online sales section of our website, 

And finally, lets pose.......

Our next posing workshop is on the 12th October, a day full of posing techniques, posing models, couples, groups and children. We will provide you with a learning experience from one of the leading exponents of posing, Andy Cubin MBE FSIGP (hon), author of the Posing Pouch articles in the SWPP magazine Imagemaker and his own "The Essential Guide to Perfect Posing for Models and Photographers" and "1000 Poses The Essential Reference Library for Models and Photographers", both available on iBooks. 

The day costs just £95.00 including a buffet lunch, further details are available from our website 

Flash Photography - Art and Techniques
terry hewlett arps
£15.00 plus £2.50 p&p

Good lighting is fundamental to creating images. This book provides a roadmap for producing creative images with a flashgun. It introduces lighting principles and then advises on more complex lighting sets and situations. Practical instruction and advice throughout apply the principles, and explain how photographs are taken and stunning results achieved.

Guide to the main characteristics of lifer - intensity,    direction, quality and colour.

Advice on modern flashguns and their features.

Techniques to create professional effects such as film noir and hollywood lighting, high-speed synching and handling reflective surfaces.

Practical examples are used, from portraiture to product photography.

The new flash photography book can be purchased form our website: 

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